Reflection of the Year 2020: 5 Lessons Learned

“Walk” by Saucy Santana is definitely the energy I’m embodying as I walk out of 2020 and into 2021. 

The year 2020 has felt endless. It literally feels like I’ve lived through ten years in one. So much has happened this year with the loss of prominent black figures, the height of the Black Lives Matter movement, and living in a pandemic. This year has been an emotional rollercoaster; however, I am SO thankful for this year, and I feel like this has been my best year yet. 

I remember when the year 2020 began; I felt lost. I felt unlike myself. I felt like I was going in the wrong direction. I thought I had so much to look forward to this year: (in person) college graduation ceremony, getting accepted into grad school, and receiving a Fulbright Fellowship in Taiwan. But 2020 actually looked like, (virtual) college graduation ceremony, crying the day of my graduation, crying for the loss of Breonna and George, getting rejected from both grad school and Fulbright, contracting COVID-19, while also unexpectedly starting and growing my brand “Naesthetycs,” starting a Youtube channel, starting therapy, and finding my purpose. There were a lot of “starts” in 2020. Even when things felt like they were falling apart and on pause, my foot was always on the gas, and I didn’t even realize it. Even though things didn't go as planned, the outcome was greater than I expected. God clearly had something better in mind for the year 2020 for me; He works in mysterious ways.

Now that 2020 is coming to an end, I reflect on the year and feel thankful. I no longer feel lost and unlike myself; I feel like myself more now than ever. It feels so freeing embodying and expressing my true and authentic self. I feel more connected and aligned to my purpose now more than ever too. I am thankful for the experiences that have been a catalyst to lead me to this point. Overall, there were definitely a lot of lessons learned this year that I’ll be carrying with me into 2021:

  1. Follow your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it, and if something feels right, chase after it. Don’t be afraid of your intuition. Listen to it, and let it guide you. 

  2. Have faith. Even when things feel like they're falling apart, have faith. Time is temporary; therefore, trouble doesn't last always. Things will get better.

  3. Everything happens for a reason. If something doesn’t go your way, know that it was supposed to happen that way. Rejection is redirection and failures are lessons. Don’t beat yourself up about what you think should or could have happened, everything happens the way it’s supposed to for a reason you may or may not know now, but will know in the future. 

  4. God’s timing is perfect. Your time is coming. Don’t compare yourself to other people’s successes. If there is something you want right now, but are unable to have it, trust that it’s coming to you even better than you expected in due timing.

  5. Nothing is impossible. All of your dreams and heart’s desires are possible. Don't let anyone tell you they are not. You can make ALL your dreams come true because you are limitless. Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, and keep going.

Cheers to the end of 2020 🥂